

the bent down, silent
winds of winter begin
of a sudden to slip
quickly in

on a slanted, horizontal
course, battened and seeding
our ritual pantomimes
and preparations,

the hunching of shoulders,
so we may pass through
that frozen,
open eye.



The deforestation of
her bouquet of pain
transmuted a crown
of gold into thorns

The grapevine was
given a trellis to
receive signals from
outer space with.

Tomatoes are drops of blood in his garden
The fruit from which tree we've mistaken
but for the one that towers about us
and we all fell from when it was shaken


chilling to the very core
an unknown pattern sees me
unable to open the door
so it crosses its mind
to reach for my hand
whose shadow does the trick
only to find it locked

trapped in a box
my dream cannot escape
until someone turns off the lights
now can you see the shape of the key
is like a lamp of mirrored faces
it's already placed just turn around once
and wait for seven paces



Loved and left
to feel bereft
of sullen vows
made in the heat
of long ago nows.

Broken and silent
my healing is
violent and I
have forgotten
not, somehow.


Money as the ultimate drug
Control as substance abuse
Addiction as a daily ritual
Religion as something you choose
Health as the latest fashion
Repetition as a disease
Welcome to the 21st Century
Oh, as if we haven't been here, please.

Control as the ultimate substance
Money as drug abuse
Religion a weekly addiction
A ritual as something you choose
Repetition as fashion
The latest health as disease
Welcome to a century that has never been seen
Not in the mind of anyone's dream.



something falls
lucid and white
gnarled and ejected
and soon turns black
and lands on its feet
yearning and shrieking
clawing inwardly for its
buried lost heartwhite point
eliminated within packed folds
of dark muscle constricting
around a new heart,
a new heart
a new home


The angel surgeon bent down
once and injected a precise
dose of metal through our skin.
Spear tips heaved,
artillery swivelled,
and a phone call was made.