

think of the devil
call it chaos, reality
evil, whatever

anyone can sit
around providing proof
there's no such thing as
good or evil until the
cows come home

at the end of the day
someone has to know
that evil is alive
and well

I can choose to let
fate work it out

allow the gears
of the reeling cosmos
execute whatever justice

then any of a billion
equally terrifying fates
randomly awaits

I'd rather not place myself
on the yawning altar of space
as a piece of bait like that...

Instead I choose
to wield a pen
and interlock my shield
with fellow men

to direct hell itself
away from us
and decant it back
into the vacuum

If I do nothing
the dark side of
the wild will seize

and take root
in my blood

using my body
as the clay pot